Friday, April 5, 2013

The Three Primary Archetypes of Magic

This diagram is to help new players understand the interactions between the three main archetypes of magic. Aggro decks are the fastest decks of the format, attempting to drop an opponents life total down to zero as quickly as possible. Aggro decks normally defeat control decks before they can stabilize or set up a means of defense. However, aggro decks are typically not fast enough to defeat a midrange deck before they play creatures or stabilize. Mid range decks will try to set up a means of defense as quickly as possible, then beat their opponent down with utility or evasive creatures. Control can mostly deal with these decks because by the time the midrange deck starts stabilizing, the control deck has enough set up to start controlling their opponent until they can win.

Dillon Baca
Richardson, TX 75007.

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